Why MnB?


We are made of stories and stories are made of data

A world full of mothers who feel, behave, react differently and change over time.

A snapshot of real-life ‘stories’, written by different mothers

…the mother of 2018, the mother of 2019 and so on

…the experienced and the inexperienced

…the sophisticated/educated and the less educated

….and the list goes on


Which is the power of each communication channel?  

And how does change, month by month, according to baby age? 

Figure out whether your promotional strategies have produced the desired results. 

Data is your biggest ally.


Do you really know what moms want?

  • How strong is your brand?
  • In which targets is your brand stronger?
  • How does your brand’s dynamic change month by month, accordingly to baby age?
  • What about your competition?
  • Which is the power of each communication channel?  And how does change, month by month, according to baby age?

Mother and Baby is a state-of-the-art targeting tool that provides companies with all the needed data for effective market penetration.